Friday, August 26, 2011

Verse of the Day

Today is August 26, 2011

 -- 2 Corinthians 12:9

My grace is sufficient for you, for power is perfected in weakness.

God can use our weakness as well as our strengths.

We tend to think that if we are strong in an area, God could really use us for His kingdom. But the Bible is full of examples where God specifically used a weakness to show His strength.
  • Moses was a poor speaker
    Then Moses said to the LORD, "Please, Lord, I have never been eloquent, neither recently nor in time past, nor since You have spoken to Your servant; for I am slow of speech and slow of tongue." —Exodus 4:10
    Yet God used him mightily as a spokesperson on Israel's behalf.
  • Peter, John and James were hot-headed and impulsive
    James, the son of Zebedee, and John the brother of James (to them He gave the name Boanerges, which means, "Sons of Thunder") —Mark 3:17
    Yet God used them to be patient with the building of the early church.
So rather than look only at your strengths as tools God could use, broaden your thinking to include ANYTHING God may want to use from your life, including your weaknesses.

Dear Compass, (a response to previous GML question)
After reading today's question of the day, I wanted to offer some encouragement. It's what my heart knows. I remember being where these women are. All praise and glory to my Jesus.
Jesus wants this thing (your husband to be the leader you need) much more than you know. He desires for your family to be whole and complete, with your husband's leading the way as the spiritual leader. Our part as wives is to step back, TRUSTING God, that he does want this too! We must pray, without complaining or giving up.
When our hearts change, we are stepping out of the way of the Lord and he has direct access to our husbands' hearts. I'll say it again, we must TRUST God.
My pastor's wife said at Bible study once, "If we can't trust our husband's heart to God, there isn't any hope." My marriage is a living testimony that this works! It works because when we step back and start trusting and praying, we are in the place of the Godly wife and our husband's place (the spiritual leader) is empty and he is able to step into it more easily. May the Lord show Himself mighty in your marriage. Lord Bless!
Wife for a short 14 years.
God gets the glory for every one!
I am looking forward to many more!

Thanks for the above! Romans 15:13 calls our Lord the God of all hope. We can never go wrong by trusting Him too much! And we'll add a couple of verses for those who are reading this and doubting it could work for their marriage:

I can do all things through Him who strengthens me. —Philippians 4:13 For nothing will be impossible with God. —Luke 1:37

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